Tuesday, July 26, 2016

King for a Day

Imagine if you could be king for a day.  Ok, let’s back up a minute.  What if you were just the most popular person at your company or school.  What if you were the most talked about person in your neighborhood or city.  Most of us would never know that feeling.  Now imagine a car company that has created a car that would surpass just being a vehicle to get you from point A to point B.  A legend of sorts.  That is the case with the Chevy Corvette.

On June 26, 2008, the U.S. House of Representatives declared June 30 as National Corvette Day.  Why June 30 you ask?  Well June 30 1953 was the day the first production Corvette rolled off a Flint Michigan assembly line.  Why a Corvette?  It is the most widely respected produced sports car in United States History and is a symbol of American pride.  These are all examples of the lofty praise heaped on the truly iconic Corvette.

 It has also been deemed the most talked about car on the internet.  According to Motor1, the latest Swoop Digital Brand Exposure Index compiled data from the most far-reaching depths of the internet to see which car and which brand are the most talked about on the internet.  The winner of course was the Chevrolet Corvette.  The Corvette has a huge following all across the U.S. and with some of their newest offerings, it is easy to see why.

For more info on all Chevy products, come by Huffines Chevrolet Plano 1001 Coit Rd Plano, TX or give us a call at 972-867-4000 today!

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